Alex Jacobson's computer is a computer appearing in Deus Ex. It is located in Alex Jacobson's office, found on Level 3 of UNATCO HQ. The login to Jacobson's account is ajacobson and the password is calvo.
Emails viewable on the account during the first, second, and fourth visits to the headquarters are shown below. The account has no emails during the third visit to the headquarters.
First visit to the headquarters[]
From: cRakS//AUSNET.78963.07378
To: AJacobson//UNATCO.00013.76490
Subject: Whupass
Hey man, get your occipital jack fixed yet? You've got to check out the Strike4 demo (//GNET/Ego/Strike4): whole-motor control, total visual occlusion... MAN, fireballs burn your face, walls hurt when you hit them, tactile-textures everywhere, volumetric humidity... WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? Don't give me that national security crap. Jack in so I can WHUP YOUR ASS.
re: Security Breach[]
From: JManderley//UNATCO.00013.76490
To: AJacobson//UNATCO.00013.76490
Subject: re: Security Breach
Thank you for keeping me informed of the recent hacker activity and your speedy response to same. I'm glad our security efforts were up to snuff.
(AJacobson//UNATCO.00013.76490) wrote:
>I managed to stop the guys (actually, it was some French chick
>the CIA's been watching, perhaps a Silhouette spy(?)) trying to
>break into the net, but I took the liberty of changing some
>passwords, just in case. Here are the new ones:
>anavarre - scryspc
>ghermann - zeitgeist
>jmanderley - knight_killer
>jreed - redshoes
>jreyes - amigo
>scarter - antique
>me - calvo
>You should probably delete this as soon as you're done reading, okay?
locker code: 2001[]
From: AJacobson//UNATCO.00013.76490
To: AJacobson//UNATCO.00013.76490
Subject: locker code: 2001
Second visit to the headquarters[]
From: RosyCross//UnderNet.44567.22356
To: AJacobson//UNATCO.00013.76490
Subject: Inquiry
The Oracle says:
We find your question interesting. We have several references to entity token "MJ12" but all are ambiguous. Will be necessary to expend cycles to clarify relationships for codification of representative patterns before further recognition can be accomplished. This will be time consuming, but past working relationships have shown a 83.23% favorable return. Work with file "SH-187" was very instructive.
We will contact you again when information has been collated.
[[The Oracle would like to know your favorite color.]]
Fourth visit to the headquarters[]
RE: Inquiry[]
From: RosyCross//UnderNet.44567.22356
To: AJacobson//UNATCO.00013.76490
Subject: RE: Inquiry
The Oracle says:
Initial analysis of entity token "MJ12" (also reference entity tokens "Majestic", "Majestic 12", "Majestic Council of Twelve", "They Who Rule the World in Majesty", "MJID") yields confusing results that must be further refined through additional pattern analysis. Would appear to be related to entity token "Illuminati" and other self-organizing institutions that seek to affect global change through localized alteration of sociopolitical systems. Extant records dating back 837 years are extensive, but subject to a number of valid curve-fitting functions that render speculation as to possible motive or overall goals only 27.3% accurate. We dislike this ambiguity and will work to clarify prior to final report.
[[The Oracle would like to know what you think of the color blue.]]