The Apex Centre NewsFeed appears on various information panels in the Apex Centre in London, in Deus Ex: Mankind Divided. The news feed contains news on current events.
London Hosts Santeau[]
Rich and famous from all over the globe are converging on London's Apex Centre tonight as the Santeau Group's Safe Harbour convention kicks off.
China Under Fire[]
China's decision to opt out of the Global Climate Summit in Phnom Penn draws criticism from scientists around the world, many of whom believe that increased tectonic activity throughout the Pacific Ocean must be seen as a real and present danger.
L.A. Braces for Augmented Games[]
The city of Los Angeles unveiled security plans that it will set in place before February 2030, when the Augmented Games Championships kick off in their downtown convention center.
Short Stories[]
World Health Organization is one step closer to declaring AIDS a disease of the past, thanks to VersaLife miracle cure.
City of Prague remains quiet tonight as its third consecutive day under Martial Law draws to a close.
A.I. research still the biggest focus for China, as officials strengthen their will to be come world leaders in new intelligence systems.
Australia announces plans tolocateBelltower soldiers who fled into the Outback during the Incident.
, recover, and, if necessary, bury the remains of augmented