Deus Ex Wiki

This page describes augmentations that were cut from Deus Ex during development of the game.


In an early version of the game, the jump augmentation was separate from the Speed Enhancement augmentation, with the latter possibly not existing at the time. In the final version, they were merged together.

The jump augmentation is mentioned in two comment lines in the game script:

// check our jump augmentation and reduce falling damage if we have it
// jump augmentation doesn't exist anymore - use Speed instaedsicsic

— DeusExPlayer.Landed() in the "DeusEx.u" game file

Audio Analysis and Hearing[]

AugAudioAnalysis and AugHearing are listed in a table of internal identifiers in Deus Ex design document version 13.12. These augmentations are not mentioned in the augmentation descriptions in this document, indicating at they had already been cut at this point, and that AugAudioAnalysis and AugHearing are remnants from an older design.

Earlier concepts[]

The v5.3e design document for Shooter: Majestic Revelations describes an "Enhanced Learning System augmentation with Russian language capability" that would aid the player in the missions in Russia. The same design document also mentions that later in the game, the player would have access to outlandish augmentations, including "a skull gun mounted behind a flap of skin on his forehead." The concept of a skull gun was later associated with Gunther Hermann in the finished game.
