Deus Ex Wiki

The 5th mission in Deus Ex takes place in the Secret MJ12 Facility on Liberty Island and in the UNATCO Headquarters. In this mission, JC Denton must escape from his Majestic 12 captors. This is the last mission to feature the UNATCO Headquarters.



Primary Escape from the Majestic 12 facility.
Primary Find your brother and access information in his datavault that Tracer Tong will need to defeat the killswitch.
Get the datavault from your brother's body. Tracer Tong will need it to defeat the killswitch
Find the equipment taken from you when you were captured by UNATCO.
Find Anna Navarre's killphrase. It is stored in two pieces on two computers, each with the login 'demiurge' insicsic the password 'archon'.*
Primary Escape from the Majestic 12 facility.
Primary Eliminate Anna Navarre.**
Primary When Anna Navarre is dead, see Alex for a key to the exit.**
Primary See Alex for a key to the exit.***
*Given by Paul Denton, if he and Anna Navarre are still alive.
**Given by Alex if Anna Navarre is still alive.
***Given if you reach the exit on level 1 before speaking with Alex.

Skill Points[]

SP Requirement Category
Secret MJ12 Facility
250 Escape the detention area Goal Accomplishment Bonus
150 Enter the armory Progress Bonus
100 Enter the location with the Greasel Exploration Bonus
500 Enter the Medical Lab Goal Accomplishment Bonus
UNATCO Headquarters
200 Escape from the Majestic 12 facility (primary goal) Advancement Bonus
165 Escape from the UNATCO Headquarters (primary goal) Progress Bonus
Mission Total: 1365

Map segments[]

Map Name Map File Map-Start Message
NYC - Secret MJ12 Facility* 05_NYC_UNATCOHQ Location: Unknown
Time: Unknown
NYC - LibertyIsland 05_NYC_UNATCOIsland

*The Secret MJ12 Facility cannot be revisited after exiting through the secured door at the bottom level of the headquarters.


Augmentation canisters[]

Weapon modifications[]

  • Secret MJ12 Facility
    • Accuracy – Sold by a mechanic in Robot Maintenance
    • Range – Second floor of the armory
    • Silencer – Second floor of the armory
  • UNATCO Headquarters
    • Recoil – Sam Carter's armory
    • Range – Sam Carter's armory




You begin in your cell without your equipment (unless you use an exploit; see "notes" section below). A mysterious figured called Daedalus then opens the cell door. Turning to your right, a MJ12 trooper is getting up from his desk. While he's turned away, use the baton to open the crate to obtain a riot prod. Use the riot prod or other weapon of your choice to take down the trooper when he returns to his desk.

The locked cells can be opened using the code 4679 provided by the datacube on the desk. One cell holds a medbot and a dead body with a PS20 and 2 lockpicks. The other cell holds the NSF soldier Miguel. You may invite him to join you in your escape. Miguel's death will not affect the progress of the mission, but if you intend to keep him alive, it is best to have him wait in his cell until you clear the path of all hostiles.

The file cabin to the right of the desk holds additional ammo and two multitools, one of which is in the locked compartment. If you wish to head straight to the armory to retrieve your equipment, these multitools can be used to open the door to the armory.

The room has a camera that will activate the turret, but you can leave the room undetected by moving along the wall. When you are out of the detention area, Daedalus will provide you with a map of the facility. If you wish to retrieve your items at this time, turn right to head toward the armory. There is also a floor vent that leads to the command center and the nanotech labs.

Armory and Robot Maintenance[]

The Armory, where your items are stored, is accessed through Robot Maintenance. If you happen to be detected while passing through Robot Maintenance, there is an empty space in the corridor leading to the armory where you can hide. The armory is guarded by two Delta-2 Peacebringer robots, but they are easily avoided due to their slow and predictable movement. The armory has doors on two sides, either of which can be opened by a multitool or by the code 2971, which is obtainable from a datacube in the offices on the top level of Robot Maintenance.

Inside the armory, there is a terminal in the upstairs room that allows you to disable the two patrolling bots. The upstairs room also has weapon modifications and a plasma rifle locked in a container (5239).

Nanotech and Medical Labs[]

While well guarded and not part of any mission goal, the nanotech lab is worth visiting because it includes an augmentation canister for the cranial slot. The nanotech lab is attended by P. Sherman, the man in black in charge of your planned interrogation. He will attack you on sight.

The back area of the nanotech lab has a grate near the floor. The grate leads to an area below, which is guarded by a Greasel. Entering the area provides a 100 SP exploration bonus. A file cabinet in the nanotech has locked compartments containing a datacube with all logins and passwords for the UNATCO headquarters, and another datacube with the code (0199) for the medical lab.

Before Daedalus gives you the code to escape from the MJ12 facility, you will need to visit the Medical Lab to retrieve data from Paul's datavault. Paul will be dead or alive depending on your actions in the previous mission. Once you have retrieved the data, Daedalus will give you the code (1125) for the exit near the command center. Once you leave the area attended by the guard, you will not be able to return to the MJ12 facility.

UNATCO Headquarters (fourth visit)[]

Exiting the MJ12 facility, you find yourself in the familiar headquarters of UNATCO, except that all the guards will now be hostile. Straight ahead is Jaime's medical bay. Speak to Jaime. Your conversation with Jaime will affect his next destination.

  • If you tell Jaime to go to Hong Kong, you will be able to meet him again in Hong Kong, where he will provide you with an augmentation upgrade canister.
  • If you tell Jaime to stay at UNATCO, you will be able to meet him again in Paris, where he will provide you with the killphrase for Gunther Hermann.

Be sure to pick up the augmentation canister that Jaime got for you. The canister provides a choice between Regeneration and Energy Shield. Both options have their respective benefits, but most players will likely find Regeneration to be more useful.

To escape the headquarters, you will need to meet with Alex Jacobson to obtain the NanoKey that unlocks the exit. JC suspects that Alex was posing as Daedalus, but Alex denies knowing anything about this supposed hacker. If Anna Navarre is still alive, Alex will not give you the key until you have killed her.

Other notable interactions in the headquarters:

  • If you speak to Sam Carter, he will finally let you into his armory, where you can find an augmentation upgrade canister.
  • If you run into Shannon, she will reveal that she was the one who was stealing from Sam's armory. She also offers to sell you scramble grenades.
  • Visit Joseph Manderley for a humorous interaction. Walton Simons, speaking through the holographic communicator, will tell you that you'll be dead in twenty-three hours. If you kill Manderley before speaking with him, the dialogue with Simons will be different.

If Anna Navarre was not killed in the previous two encounters, she will intercept you on your way out. If you found the two parts of her killphrase (part of the killphrase is on Navarre's own computer in the makeshift office on the way to the level 3 jail, and the other part is on Manderley's computer), you will automatically say the killphrase "Flatlander Woman" and she will self-destruct. Otherwise, you will have to fight.

Once outside of the headquarters, head to Jock's helicopter to leave for Hong Kong. Jock will tell you that he was tipped by Daedalus to meet you. If Miguel followed you all the way to Jock's helicopter, he will part ways, telling you that he can make it on his own.


  • At the start of the mission, you can still briefly access your full inventory before it's taken away from you. During this time, you may drop items into your cell.
  • In the MJ12 facility, if you approach the exit prior to retrieving the datavault from Paul, Daedalus will tell that you he will not give you the code to the door until you have retrieved the datavault. Nonetheless, you may still exit the facility by entering the code without any consequences to the story.