Feng's journal is a book appearing in Deus Ex. It is the journal of Doctor Feng, an employee of VersaLife who became trapped with newly hatched karkians in a collapsed section of the Canal Road Tunnel in Hong Kong. The book is found near his body the collapsed section of the tunnel, which is accessible via a vent in the freezer room in the Old China Hand.
...God's got a funny sense of humor sometimes...I'm writing this on the back of an issue of "Tomorrow's Scientist."
Hundley sent me to pick up a batch of karkian eggs fresh off the plane; couldn't trust anyone else, Dr. Feng -- that's what he said. Big job. On the way back through the tunnel everything just fell apart, flash of light and noise and suddenly I'm lying here. My legs are broken. It was probably a Triad attack...they've been fighting lately...
I thought emergency services would arrive, but no one's come. There's no internal bleeding that I can tell. I started to hear noises a while ago. I think the suspension crate in the car broke open and the eggs are hatching.
I can't reach anyone on my phone. It's been eight hours. I slept a little. I can hear the baby karkians -- cries of hunger, precursor to infant food seeking behavior. The irony is this is a perfect environment for them.
I saw a shadow of one a little ago. My rough guess is they're developing almost 20% more quickly than expected. Some nasty noises earlier, several of the karkians picking out the weakest of the litter and tearing it to pieces.
I wish someone would come...