Deus Ex Wiki

Frozen Hell is an unofficial mod for Deus Ex. It is also a critically-acclaimed fan-film.



Deus Ex Frozen Hell

The film was released around Apr 19, 2012. It stars DeusDentonX3, who is possibly the only actor in the movie (except for the main villain). It features footage from Deus Ex, The Movies, real life footage, and has several copyrighted songs. Many have compared it to Tommy Wiseau's The Room. Here is an exerpt from the Youtube description detailing the plot:

  • The Epic sequel to the renowned Deus Ex series is now here--in FROZEN HELL you will find out what happened to the world after the events of DX: Invisible War. How did Helios change the humanity? Where did the Templars and the Omar go? Did the Illuminati take over the Earth with the power of Ophelia? And has JC Denton ever become himself again? In Frozen Hell conspiracy grows deeper, and the action takes you further in the future. It's the year 2150. The protagonist, DX Denton, the third Denton clone, is sent to the colonized Mars to prevent a gathering war between the worlds from happening. JC Denton is the only person who can help him with that...but will their posthuman might be enough to encounter Uber Alles, a mysterious leader of the conspiracy, always hiding behind a mask, just like the ancient secret societies? In the World of Terror, remember one thing--Death does not matter any longer. The movie original soundtrack performed by X-3.


The Deus Ex: Frozen Hell mod is a demo, being clearly unfinished, featuring a single map taking place on Mars. The mod follows a short select section from the movie.


  • "I knew JC for only ONE day... but I was proud to call him my brother"
  • "Muahaha hahahaha hahaha hahaha"
  • Mic pop
  • "Death does not matter any longer... To be continued"

