Deus Ex Wiki

There are numerous computers located in G.A.R.M. being used by the Illuminati mercenaries stationed there. They are mostly given ID numbers, rather than displaying the name of the owner.

Hangar 1


For the e-mails on Viktor Marchenko's G.A.R.M. computer, see Viktor Marchenko's computers.


For the e-mails on Vadim Orlov's G.A.R.M. computer, see Vadim Orlov's computers.


This computer is located in the room containing the ice drill controls, directly beside the drill before it has been moved, and has a security rating of 3. The e-mails are in French since the facility is located in Switzerland, where French is an official language.

Cylindre Foreuse Dangeroux !

From: securite@MARG.genmail.mail

Bonjour à tous,

Ce message POUR VOUS AVERTIR que le méga cylindre livré avec la foreuse n'est pas aux bonnes dimensions. Si l'opérateur n'encadre pas strictement les forages, il y a des risques de percer le hangar voisin et de causer de sérieux dégâts. Nous avons commandé un cylindre de remplacement, mais en attendant, comme nous ne pouvons pas nous permettre de suspendre les travaux, merci de garder en tête les consignes de sécurité.

D'autre part, n'oubliez pas que seuls les employés ayant suivi la formation d'opérateur de foreuse sont autorisés à manipuler la machine. C'est capital ! En cas d'accident causé par un opératuer non habilité, nous ne sommes pas couverts par l'assurance.

Lena Amacher
Chef de la sécurité du MARG

RE: C'est l'enfer à la salles de commandes

From: securite@MARG.genmail.mail
To: Bastien Erb

Salut Bastien,

Étant donné que ce panneu d'isolation servait à isoler la salle des commandes de la foreuse, je comprends que les bruits du hangar puissent te déranger. Je te confirme que cette gêne est temporaire et qu'il sera très bientôt remplacé !

Petite remarque, si je peux me permettre : modère-toi un peu ! Les rumeurs qui circulent comme quoi le panneau aurait été retiré pour être revendu suite aux coupes budgétaires n'ont pas été du goût de tout le monde... même si c'est une blague :)

Je te tiendrai au courant dès que j'en saurai plus sur la date de livraison.

Bien à toi,
Lena Amarcher,
Chef de la sécurité du MARG

De : Bastien Erb
À : securite@MARG.genmail.mail
Objet : C'est l'enfer à la salle des commandes


Est-ce que quelqu'un sait quand ce putain de truc au plafond sera remplacé UNE BONNE FOIS POUR TOUTES?!?! J'en peux plus du vacarme du hanger !



This computer is found in Hangar 1, in the second unit on the west wall. has a security rating of 2.

RE: Reserves

From: Alari Toom
To: Roland Galla

Of course. I will check and see how many men we can spare to you.

Good luck,

From: Roland Galla
To: Alari Toom
Subject: Baltic Reserves


I've been running through scenarios and troop formations with Viktor for the upcoming mission and I realized that we will be loosing almost twenty percent of our men to the advance team. Viktor is not happy about this. I know you guys are in strung-out shape after Dubai, but we're going to need whoever you can spare. Viktor isn't asking.


Additional men needed for Stormsurge

From: OldBlueEye
To: Roland Galla


Regarding out discussion last night. I'm still not comfortable with troop numbers for Stormsurge. As I said, I won't compromise the advance team numbers as they are integral to the success of the mission. Proper infiltration and site preparation will make or break us here.

I want you to contact BH and tell Toom to provide us with an additional twenty five men from his unit. Tell him, Roland, don't ask.


This computer is found in Hangar 1 in the corner unit on the north wall. It has a security rating of 3.

Neglecting detail

From: Jorge
To: Augustus

Hahahah... yes I got your "joke". It's more of a pun, actually. Anyways, no problem, I'll get started cleaning in the break room.

PS – If you need to know, I'm giving Yevgeny private chess lessons in exchange for computer help. Also, mind your own fucking business.


From: Augustus
To: Jorge
Subject: Neglecting detail


PK's rotated to you this week, sorry. No one likes it but there it is. And no pawning it off (hahaha, get the joke?) on someone else this time. It's not fair to the others to bait them into doing your detail by playing them at chess. It's like watching Kasparov play an infant with these mouth-breathers.

Oh yeah, and what's with you and Yevgeny anyway? Saw you two hanging out at the lockers in the box guard tent. You two hiding something in there?


RE: Strange error message

From: Yevgeny
To: Augustus

Same source as last time. I'll take care of it.


From: Augustus
To: Yevgeny
Subject: Strange error message

Hi Yevgeny,

I got another one of those strange text strings on my PC again. I've copied it below for you to take a look at:

Dpoubdu gspn Njtufs Nbkftujd. Pezttfvt jt bdujwf. Sif tpo pg Qptfjepo ejft jg if efwbuft gspo qmbo.[Note 1]



This computer is in the unit against the north wall, near the storage unit. It has a security rating of 3.

RE: Forget something?

From: Tommy
To: Goran

Shit sorry. 6653.

From: Goran
To: Tommy
Subject: Forget something?

Tommy when you update the door code you update the laser grid code as well right?

Hangar 2


This computer is found inside the tent, near the second box guard. It is unlocked.

RE: RE: Update from MrM

From: Augustus
To: Yevgeny

Viktor has his reasons, and his instructions were very clear. If he goes off mission however, MrM says we terminate him immediately and carry out the attack ourselves.

From: Yevgeny
To: Augustus
Subject: RE: Update from MrM

The guy who insisted on having a bomb implanted in his head is stable? We have his life, literally, in our hands, and he wanted it this way?

From: Augustus
To: Yevgeny
Subject: Update from MrM

MrM says they've made contact. Viktor's been assessed as stable. But, just to be safe, one of us should keep hold of Damocles' Sword at all times. Meet me tonight in the box guard tent, 10pm, at the lockers. I'll show you where it is.

RE: RE: Box guard unit 3 coding

From: Katia
To: Yevgeny

Thanks! I'll pop over as soon as I can.


From: Yevgeny
To: Katia
Subject: RE: Box guard Unit 3

Hi Katia,

Yeah, been with the organization for a while now. Bohdan would know, he's been with the organization since Folkes Senior was running things. Time flies. Anyways, yes, you're right it is a little archaic, but assembly is still best when coding these big bastards.

Swing by my station (just behind you) when you have a moment. I'll introduce myself proper and show you a trick to working around some of the more arduous parts of the language.



From: Katia
To: Yevgeny
Subject: Box guard Unit 3

Hi Yevgeny,

Bohdan tells me that you were around in the old Belltower days and that you might be able to help getting unit three to accept new instructions? You'd think that in 2029 we'd have moved away from using assembly code for these types of things.

Any help would be appreciated,



This computer is located on the far wall in the box guard tent, near the locker containing Marchenko's killswitch. It has a security rating of 1.

RE: Missing switch actuator

From: Yevgeny
To: Sergi


From: Sergi
To: Yevgeny
Subject: Missing switch actuator

Yevgeny have you seen the switch actuator I ordered? It's grown legs. Can't rewire the door to Lab Two without it. Noticed you at your locker earlier, thought maybe you saw... something?

Lemme know,


From: Jan
To: Sergi


Eder wants us to run the new guys through drills. Grab your cold weather gear and that bottle I know you've been spiking your coffee with and meet me on the helipad at 0400.


This computer is located on the far wall in the box guard tent, near the camera. It is unlocked.

Army of dead robots

From: Bohdan Slovensky
To: Katia


We've got orders to resurrect this army of dead robots. They're not for Stormsurge (Jesus, could you imagine THAT sight!?) but something else in the planning stages, so not a massive rush. Should just need the dust blown off htem and a full sys-check... the usual "wake up" package.

Check with Yevgeny, he's a good guy, old Belltower like me. He has a lot of experience coding Boxguards, especially number three. She's a bitch.

Good luck,

RE: Neuropozyne request

From: Vadim Orlov
To: Katia

Hello, Katia.

I am not sure when they will send me back here, but I will besicsic try to bring some extra doses with me if they do. In the meantime, I have taken the liberty of leaving a course of painkillers at your workstation for you. Well, more than painkillers really. It is a cocktail of my own design that is sure to help.



From: Katia
To: Vadim Orlov
Subject: Neuropozyne request

Hi Doc,

I can't believe it, but I managed to go through my entire supply of Neuropozyne. I'm normally so careful with my dose. Knowing me I've misplaced the damn stuff. Idiot. Any chance you can bring some with you next time?

Thanks Doc!


This computer is found in the corner unit on the east wall, near the stairs. It has a security rating of 3.

RE: Op

From: Killian
To: Jan

I've been with Galla since the Plan Infinity days. I'd be dead if it wasn't for him. So I'm on whatever side of the fence Galla tells me to be on.

From: Jan
To: Killian
Subject: Op

I heard Marchenko is arriving soon. What an unexpected pleasure. Guess we should be honored by his presence. Well I tell you, K, I follow Galla, so whatever it is Marchenko expects from me, better come out of Galla's mouth. I don't trust that Cyclops, man. Something's... I dunno, something's not right with that guy. I heard Orlov really fucked with him. Anyways, I just have a feeling things aren't 100% aboveboard with him. What side of the fence are you on?

Orion Insta-Messaging Autosave

From: Jakub Eder

To: Jan

This conversation was automatically saved in your Conversation History
>Jakob: Jan I want you to take the new guys in your squad up the caves.


  1. This is a message encrypted with a Caesar cipher (with a shift of 25). When decrypted, it reads:
    Contact from Mister Majestic. Odysseus is active. Rhe son of Poseidon dies if he devates fronsicsic plan
    Mister Majestic likely refers to Bob Page, the leader of Majestic 12, and the son of Poseidon to Viktor Marchenko (who is given a killswitch).