GOTY Japanese Gameplay Mod is a small scale unofficial mod for Deus Ex Game of the Year edition, intended to bring the changes made in the Japanese version of the game to English versions.
What this modification DOES do:
- Energy drain rate halved. (Difference between JP and this, JP's Power Recirculator could increase the energy drain rate of augmentations, this will halve after recirculator's reduction, this reduction is also shown in aug descriptions)
- Player owned weapons do x4 damage on easy difficulty, even against doors.
- A passive 40% reduction in all damage taken.
- The Dragon's Tooth Sword does 50 damage instead of 20.
What this modification DOES NOT do but JP does:
- Note adding, editing, and deleting disabled.
- Normal text color changed from 0,255,255 to 255,255,255.
- Player text color changed from 255,255,255 to 128,255,255.
- All fonts replaced with JP fonts.
- Japanese names for items.
- Infolink text slowed from character per 0.03 to 0.09 seconds.
- Removed version string on main menu.