Deus Ex Wiki

The gas grenade is a demolition skill weapon in Deus Ex. The gas grenades is a non-lethal weapon that is used to stun enemies.


Upon detonation, the gas grenade releases a large amount of CS (a military-grade 'tear gas' agent) over its area of effect. CS will cause irritation to all exposed mucous membranes leading to temporary blindness and uncontrolled coughing. Like a LAM, gas grenades can be attached to any surface.
description of the gas grenade


The gas grenade can either be thrown or planted on a wall as a mine. Gas grenades emits a cloud of tear gas when they explode.

Tear gas inflicts no actual damage on enemies, but causes enemies to be blinded and stunned. Stunned enemies receive 4x the damage that they would otherwise take (except that the multiplier for stealth attacks does not apply to stunned targets). Therefore, the purpose of gas grenades is not to inflict damage, but instead to stun enemies, disabling them and making them more vulnerable to other weapons.

The gas grenade is one of two weapons that deploy tear gas, the other being the pepper gun. Compared to the pepper gun, the gas grenade can be thrown across a distance and emits a larger cloud of tear gas.

Tear gas does not affect animals, riot cops, robots and MJ12 Commandos.


  • "Blinded" and "stunned" are concurrent but separate states caused by tear gas. Blinded enemies do not perceive the player, and undergo an eye-rubbing animation. However, it is the stunned state that enables the 4x damage multiplier.
  • While enemies take no damage from tear gas clouds, the player will take damage from such clouds.
  • Like all grenades, gas grenades can be used for exploits such as grenade climbing.

