- This article is about the weapon in Deus Ex: Human Revolution. For the weapon in Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, see Grenades and Mines (DXMD).

Gas Grenades, also called Riot Captor Spray (CS) is a weapon in Deus Ex: Human Revolution. Tear gas is the name for a mix of both a substance that dissolves well and evaporates easily (for spraying over distances) and 2-chlorobenzalmalononitrile, an irritant that can incapacitate someone without outright killing them, unlike traditional weapons. When an organic target is caught in a cloud of riot CS, they will be knocked unconscious.
This grenade can be particularly useful in reaching the Pacifist achievement for combat-oriented players who prefer non-lethal options; however, while non-lethal, it is not particularly stealthy. When activated, enemies will change their alert status to "Hostile" immediately, canceling out any Ghost bonuses. If attempting to achieve Foxiest of the Hounds, the player should avoid using this grenade on mission objectives with large groups of enemies in favor of evasion.
In-game description[]
The R-Series CS Gas Discharger is a standard tactical anti-personnel gas grenade, capable of discharging CS Gas (Also known as tear gas) over a defined radius. A hand-thrown device, the grenade has no effect against inorganic targets or targets equipped with sealed environment masks or rebreather Augmentations; however, against unprotected organic targets, the discharge cloud causes temporary loss of vision and a nausea reaction.
The Gas Grenade can be a very useful tool for players focused on non-lethal combat, as it has the largest blast of all the explosive weapons, as well as having its effect (the gas cloud) linger for a fairly long time. The gas can stun or disable most enemies as soon as it goes off. Tossed in the right position, players can even avoid triggering a "hostile" reaction from their victims, making it a great weapon for stealth focused players as well.
Upgrades: The gas grenade is not upgradeable, but it can be turned into a very effective "gas mine" when combined with the Mark 87 Tactical Munition Mine Template.
Manufacturer: Military Arms of Ostrava.
- Similar to when hit by an EMP Grenade, Jensen will die if he is low on health instead of being knocked out. This is likely due to gameplay reasons.
See also[]
- Grenades and Mines (DXMD), for the corresponding item in Deus Ex: Mankind Divided