Helicopters of a coaxial rotors type are used around the world in the late 2020s, along with tiltjet VTOLs. Such helicopters appear in Deus Ex: Human Revolution, Deus Ex: The Fall, and Deus Ex: Mankind Divided.
Deus Ex: The Fall
- In the final mission, Dark Ties, a Belltower helicopter is destroyed by armaments fired by Alex Vega's VTOL. The helicopter is referred to as a "gunship."
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided
- The mission Black Market Buy of Mankind Divided features a helicopter belonging to the arms dealer Sheppard. In this mission, Adam Jensen is tasked with disabling the helicopter to prevent it from taking off, which can be accomplished by opening a front-side hatch and removing the helicopter's battery. The helicopter is also destructible by gunfire and explosives.
- In System Rift, blue helicopters operated by Prague police can be seen flying over the Vltava River near the Blade Plaza.
- In A Criminal Past, helicopters can be seen airdropping security personnel at administration section of the Pent House. The helicopters can be damaged, which causes them to withdraw, but they cannot be destroyed.
- Sheppard's helicopter carries the logo of Motokun, a manufacturer generally associated with land vehicles. No other helicopter in Human Revolution or Mankind Divided carries this logo.
- According to The Art of Deus Ex Universe, helicopters in Mankind Divided were intended to help depict a world that is in conflict and ready to mobilize forces.