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LIMB Clinic computers are two computers that are located in the LIMB clinic in Panama City and appear in Deus Ex: The Fall. One computer belongs to Camila Cardoso. The other is found in Surgical Room A.

Camila Cardoso's computer[]

Re: Clinical Trials[]

From: Jenny Sass
To: Camila Cardoso


We were obviously disappointed to hear that you weren't interested in having your clinic participate in early trials of Riezene. We can assure you that Riezene is a 100% safe alternative to Neuropozyne. The last thing we want to do here at Zaaphire is step on your toes, but I thought it was worth mentioning that several members from your board of directors have contacted us directly about the trials. We would love to follow up with you on this matter next week, if you're available.


Jenny Sass
Zaaphire Biotech


Camilla Cardosa (PCIT.10123.75540) wrote:


>I've done a thorough review of all of the materials you sent over
>and it's still my recommendation that our clinic does NOT
>participate in Riezene trials. I know this is not the answer you
>were looking for and, ultimately, this is not my decision.


>Camilla Cardosa

Surgical Room A computer[]

Re: Nu-Poz shortages[]

From: Paul Preston
To: Cosita Abana


We understand your concern, but at this point we can't secure enough Neuropozyne for all of our clients/patients. Turning clients away would be disastrous and is not an option. We have been discussing internally the possibility of substituting Nu-poz with Riezene if it is approved by the WHO. We'll keep you posted and appreciate your discretion in this matter.

Paul Anderson

Cosita Abana (PCIT.10123.75540) wrote:


>I assure you, this situation has reached critical levels. If you'd like
>to see the effects of DDS on a patient, I can arrange that. I
>assure you, it's not pretty.

>I want to know what measures you are taking to shore up supply
>and get this clinic back on track? At this point, it is my opinion
>that Riezene is not an option.


>Cosita Abana
