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Rhino Dermal Armor is an augmentation in Deus Ex: Mankind Divided that replaced the Dermal Armor in Deus Ex: Human Revolution. While it offers the same upgrades, rhino dermal armor has slightly better protection than its predecessor. Also, EMP shielding now uses energy, meaning one can't stay stationary indefinitely in an electrified area.


A technologically-advanced version of implanted body armor, this augmentation is able to reduce inflicted damage effects from blunt trauma, ballistic attacks, cutting, and/or slashing attacks. Secondary functionality also provides protection from electromagnetic pulse (EMP) assault.
However, it cannot reduce damage effects from airborne contaminants such as gas, environmental effects (radiation, toxins, and poisons), or failing trauma.
Rhino Dermal Armor is a supple, micro-thin material implanted beneath the epidermis in key areas of the body, as well as over the surface of pre-existing cybernetic limbs. The structure of the plating is a phased composite; the base is a microfiber lattice weave made from carbon nanotubes suspended in a dilatant, or shear-thickening, fluid. When kinetic energy from a physical blow or a weapon discharge strikes the plating, the fluid becomes rigid, deflecting the impact shock. Heat and electromagnetically-conductive elements in the armor matrix serve to dissipate damage from fire-related or energized trauma.
Protection from physical damage.
  • Activation cost: 2 Praxis
  • Activation: passive
  • Energy consumption: none


Base Reduction Settings[]

Base Reduction Settings
The phased composite technology inside the Rhino Dermal Armor provides superlative physical protection against the majority of combat-induced stresses, reducing some of the physical damage.
Offers some protection from physical damage.
  • Upgrade Requirement: Rhino Dermal Armor
  • Activation cost: N/A
  • Activation: passive
  • Energy consumption: none

Improved Reduction Settings[]

Improved Reduction Settings
Learning to anticipate the interaction between carbon nanotubes, dilatant fluid, and kinetic energy can substantially increase the effectiveness of the Rhino Dermal Armor, further reducing damage taken from attacks.
Offers good protection from physical damage.
  • Upgrade Requirement: Base Reduction Settings
  • Activation cost: 1 Praxis
  • Activation: passive
  • Energy consumption: none

Mastered Reduction Settings[]

Mastered Reduction Settings
Mastering use of the dermal armor's phased composite structure increases the effectiveness of Rhino Dermal Armor even more, reducing damage taken from attacks to an optimal level.
Offers excellent protection from physical damage.
  • Upgrade Requirement: Improved Reduction Settings
  • Activation cost: 1 Praxis
  • Activation: passive
  • Energy consumption: none

Electromagnetic Pulse Shielding[]

Electromagnetic Pulse Shielding
Electromagnetically-conductive elements in the armor matrix dissipate electrical and magnetic damage as it occurs, shielding users from the neural overload and augmentation shut-down effects of electromagnetic pulse (EMP) weapons and hazards at any range.
Prevents aug deactivation, as well as energy and health loss, caused by EMP grenades, ammunition, and electricity.
  • Upgrade Requirement: Improved Reduction Settings
  • Activation cost: 1 Praxis
  • Activation: passive
  • Energy consumption: low


The base level of "Reduction Settings" and the subsequent second and third upgrade levels reduce incoming damage from gunfire and grenades by 10%, 20%, and 30%, respectively.[1]


  1. DXMD Difficulty Level Effects Testing (blog section article). See discussion of the Rhino Dermal Armor as one of the factors tested for its effect on the damage taken by the player under varying difficulty levels. The effects of Rhino Dermal Armor were observed to be the same under all difficulty levels.