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Security cameras (in-game label: Surveillance Camera) are automated security devices in Deus Ex. Security cameras are often part of security systems that may hinder the player's progression through game environments.


Security cameras are small, rounded objects seen on corners and walls. When neutral, cameras display a green light and will swivel back and forth to cover a 90-degree detection arc. When a camera spots an enemy, it will turn yellow and beep, following the target either for a few seconds or until the target has escaped the camera's sight. After a few seconds of watching an enemy (a trigger delay of 4 seconds), the camera will turn red and sound an alarm, alerting hostile humans and robots to the location.

Security cameras are often linked to a nearby automated turret. In these setups, the camera will control the turret to fire upon the enemy once it is in the alarmed state.


Cameras can be evaded by staying out of their field of view or their 64 feet detection range. Additionally, the Radar Transparency augmentation renders the player undetectable to cameras. Note, however, that Cloak and thermoptic camo do not similarly render the player undetectable. Another technique is to position crates or other objects to obstruct its sight.

Cameras have a minimum damage threshold of 50. Thus, they can be damaged and destroyed only by attacks that inflict at least 50 damage in a single hit or, alternatively, by sabot ammunition, which is not subject to the threshold but inflicts half damage on cameras. Early in the game, attacks that inflict 50 damage or more tend to be limited to explosives such as LAMs and GEP Gun rockets. Later in the game, a sniper rifle at master rifle skill is capable of destroying cameras over long ranges.

Cameras can be disabled by bypassing via a multitool, or by hacking a computer controlling the camera and disabling the camera via the computer. If a camera is destroyed or disabled, any turret that is controlled by the camera will return to the neutral state.

Cameras can be temporarily confused by EMP damage from an EMP grenade or spy drone. When confused, the cameras will display a yellow light and will not be capable of performing any security functions. The duration of confusion depends on the amount of EMP damage that is inflicted on the camera, and ranges from a minimum of 10 seconds to a maximum of 30. The maximum duration length is attained by a single hit of 165 EMP damage.


Security cameras have the following default gameplay attributes.[1] The swing angle and field of view combine to cover a 90-degree detection arc. The "memory time" attribute is the duration after which the camera forgets about the player.

Attribute Value
Swing Angle 45°
Swing Period 8 seconds
Field of View (FOV) ± 22.5° (45° total)
Detection Range 64 feet
Trigger Delay 4 seconds
Memory Time 5 seconds
Hit Points 50
Minimum Damage Threshold 50

The field of view applies to both the yaw and pitch directions. Therefore, the camera's overall field of view is square-shaped.

See also[]


  1. As defined for the class SecurityCamera in DeusEx.u. Angles are converted by the formula ((angle in internal units)/65536)*360.