Deus Ex Wiki
Spy Drone

Spy Drone is a cranial slot augmentation in Deus Ex. It is a nanotechnological augmentation that enables the player to construct a controllable drone with an attack that inflicts EMP damage.

This augmentation is installed from the augmentation canister that also includes Aggressive Defense System. Since there is only one cranial slot, Spy Drone and Aggressive Defense System are mutually exclusive options.


Advanced nanofactories can assemble a spy drone on demand which can then be remotely controlled by the agent until released or destroyed, at which point a new drone will be assembled. Further upgrades equip the spy drone with better armor and a one-shot EMP attack.

  • TECH ONE: The drone can take little damage and has a very light EMP attack.
  • TECH TWO: The drone can take minor damage and has a light EMP attack.
  • TECH THREE: The drone can take moderate damage and has a medium EMP attack.
  • TECH FOUR: The drone can take heavy damage and has a strong EMP attack.


Spy Drone is an active augmentation that consumes 150 units of bioelectric energy per minute.

When activated, this augmentation constructs a small drone in front of the player. The drone has its own view, which is seen through a HUD insert on the left side of the screen, and can be controlled by standard movement commands (the jump and crouch commands are used to fly upward and downward, respectively). While the drone is active, the player cannot move from the current location but can still change the view.

The fire key activates the drone's self-destruction blast, which inflicts EMP damage to nearby targets. Once the drone is destroyed or deactivated, the player must wait 30 second before a new drone can be constructed.

The attributes of the drone depends on the tier level of the augmentation, as shown below.[1]

Tier Spy Drone Stats
Speed EMP Damage EMP Blast Radius
Tech 1 30 30 80 units (5 feet)
Tech 2 60 60 160 units (10 feet)
Tech 3 105 105 280 units (17.5 feet)
Tech 4 150 150 400 units (25 feet)

Despite the in-game description, tier levels have no effect on the amount of damage that the drone can take. The drone is not targeted by enemies and does not actually have a health attribute.

Canister locations[]


Due to what may be a bug or oversight, tech 3 or lower Spy Drone does not function correctly when used in conjunction with Synthetic Heart.

  • If Spy Drone is currently active, activating or deactivating Synthetic Heart will instantly deactivate Spy Drone.
  • If Synthetic Heart is currently active, activation of Spy Drone will result in immediate deactivation. However, a subsequent activation of Spy Drone (after reconstruction of the drone) will function correctly if Synthetic Heart was maintained in the on state.
  • The behavior described above only applies if Spy Drone is at tech 3 or lower. Spy Drone is not affected by Synthetic Heart if it is at tech 4.



  1. ↑ The LevelValues (10, 20, 35, 50) for the class AugDrone are multiplied by the coefficients in "function CreateDrone()" in the class DeusExPlayer to obtain the stats for Speed (and MaxSpeed), Damage, and Blastradius (all classes being in DeusEx.u).