Terrorists are rank-and-file militants of the National Secessionist Forces (NSF), a constitutionalist insurrectionary organization classified as a terrorist group by UNATCO in the United States. Terrorists are a type of non-player character in Deus Ex, appearing as the standard type of enemy during the early missions of the game.
Compared to common troopers, NSF terrorists have only 75 health instead of 100 health. With only 75 health, NSF terrorists are the weakest type of hostile NPCs in the game. They are less durable than even civilians (who have 100 health). Additionally, NSF terrorists will flee when their health is 40 or lower. This threshold is much higher than the threshold of 20 for common troopers.
NSF terrorists have no special resistances against any damage type. While they are visually depicted as wearing goggles, they have no special resistance against any type of gas.
Terrorists on Liberty Island are primarily armed with 10mm pistols. Later in the game, terrorist are armed with sawed-off shotguns and assault rifles. Three terrorists have flamethrowers (one under Castle Clinton, another in Battery Park's subway station, and a the third in the LaGuardia Helibase). Some terrorists are seen deploying Dobermans.
NSF terrorists appear in the first three missions of the game. They are the most common enemy type during these early missions. Terrorists do not appear after the third mission (which ends at LaGuardia Airport), with the exception of two terrorists imprisoned below the UNATCO Headquarters. One of them, Miguel, may survive depending on JC's actions. The other is found dead in his cell, with a medkit.
- Despite the add-on eyewear on the ski masks, their models have eyes.