"I once thought I could save the world... now look at it"
— Spoilers for Deus Ex: Mankind Divided follow!
Textbook is a story item in Deus Ex: Mankind Divided. The item is a textbook written by Dr. Nicholas Cipra, titled Advanced Neurological Treatments for Social Phobia. The item is a piece of clue in the mission SM11: The Last Harvest.
The textbook contains a collage of headlines pertaining to Marek Svobotka, assembled by Daria Myška.
A textbook about managing psychological disorders written by Dr. Nicholas Cipra.
The item is found in Daria's apartment unit in the Zeleň Apartments during SM11: The Last Harvest. The item is visible in her apartment prior to then, but cannot be interacted with until the mission is started.
Collage headlines[]
Left page[]
- Czech-American...
- Marek Svobotka was initially...most recent in a series of...Svobotka claimed to...jogging at night. Police... his fingerprints were recovered...Svobotka maintained through...
- Aug Serial Killer Saw Himself as "Savior"
- Marek Svobotka, the man responsible...recent series of brutal Aug murders...believed that augmentation - or "mech...as he kept calling it - was preventing...from attaining
- Aug Killer on the Loose
- Though the number of victims has reached thirteen, police continue to resist speculation that the mur[ders] are the work of a serial killer.
- "Helping Them Go to Heaven"
- Families of...Attend Executi[on]
- Family members confide... is impossible, but are none[theless] relieved that Marek Svobotka will no longer be able to hurt anyone.
- Police Deny any...to Chinese underw[orld]
- "The media gave that name ('The [Harvester]...Gregor Smolinski
- "Now they are using the name as proof...halfway around the world. It is all media invention! It is absurd!"
- Marek Svobotka to be Executed Tomorrow
- The man who claims to have saved the souls of dozens of augmented victims is to be put to death tomorrow afternoon.
- Police Deny Rumor of Copycat Killer
- "The evidence simply isn't there yet"
Right page[]
- "I Try To Keep Them Alive For As Long As Possible"
- "Fifth Augmen[ted] Victim in a Month"
- [Svobot]ka's American [Upbr]inging"
- One Year Later, Memories of "Harvester" Killings Continue to Haunt Local Citizens
- "Local Penitentiary Wins Lucrative Tai Yong Medical Contract"
- ...Claims H[e] [wa]s Trying to "Make Them Human"
- [Remo]val [of Augme]nts Links Local Murders
- Chinese Gangsters "Offended" By European Serial Killer's Name
- Local ... [c]alling Ser[ial Killer] "The Harvester"
- Salvation Through Torture
- How Marek Svobotka's Nightmare Vision [H]as Become Political Reality