Deus Ex Wiki
DXMD turret

A turret and its controlling security terminal

Turrets are automated security devices in Deus Ex: Mankind Divided. Turrets are used by many organizations, including Tarvos Security Services, Prague Police, ARC, Shadow Operatives, and Pent House security personnel, to guard their restricted areas. Turrets in Mankind Divided are produced by Steiner-Bisley GmbH.


Turrets will open fire with their rapid-fire rotary cannon when the player is detected in a restricted area. Turrets have a camera-based detection system that visual scans for intruders as the turret pivots in an arc. Turrets may be freestanding or structurally-attached to a floor or ceiling. Freestanding turrets can be picked up by the player if the Optimized Musculature upgrade (for moving heavy objects) has been activated.

Each turret is usually connected to a particular security terminal that controls the turret. Once the controlling security terminal is hacked, the Turret Domination upgrade in the Hacking Capture line permits turrets to be disabled or turned against the enemy.


Turrets can be destroyed by gunfire and explosives, and can also be temporarily disabled by EMP ammunition and explosives, as well as by Remote Hacking and hits from the TESLA augmentation. Armor-piercing ammunition is particularly effective at destroying turrets, as are launched nanoblades.

Turrets have no sound detection. Therefore, the Leg Silencers upgrade provides no advantages for purposes of avoiding detection by turrets alone, although a turret can be alerted to attack the player by other elements that do detect sound. Turrets cannot detect targets that are cloaked by the Glass-Shield Cloaking System, with the exception of special turrets in the System Rift DLC that are equipped with HeatEye Sensors.

Hacked turrets can be picked up and carried around like a weapon. When used in this way, the turret will shield the player from enemy gunfire while firing upon the enemy. Turrets have a very high amount of firepower; thus, when hacked, turrets can be used to readily dispose even the toughest opponents, such as EXO-suits, sentry bots and TITAN-equipped Shadow Operatives.

See also[]

