Deus Ex Wiki

Aeratus Aeratus 12 March 2024

DXMD Difficulty Level Effects Testing

This page documents testing on the effects of Deus Ex: Mankind Divided Although not all types of NPCs/objects have been tested, the data described above suggests that the same result would be observed for other types of enemy NPCs and objects.

This is in contrast with Deus Ex: Human Revolution and Deus Ex: Invisible War, in which the difficulty level of those games did have an effect on the durability of enemy targets.

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Aeratus Aeratus 12 January 2024

DXMD Weapon Damage Testing

This page documents damage testing conducted for weapons in Deus Ex: Mankind Divided. Although weapons are given a nominal damage rating in-game, it is widely known that these nominal ratings are inaccurate or misleading. For example, two weapons of the same type may have the same damage rating, but different actual damages.

The tests described below were conducted to reveal a more accurate picture of weapon damage, as well as other properties of weapons. All tests were performed under game version v1.19 build 801.0 (Steam Windows version).These entries compare the Tactical Shotgun (regular ammo) with the Devastator Shotgun (AP ammo).

The data shows that AP ammo inflicts about 3x the damage as regular ammo against the turret for the Battle Ri…

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Aeratus Aeratus 14 November 2016

Guide to the Adam Jensen Clone Theory

After Deus Ex: Mankind Divided was released, players were quick to speculate on whether Adam Jensen in the game was a "clone." This speculation was based in part on the discovery of Jensen's body in a freezer container in the VersaLife vault of the Palisade Property Bank. This and other potential clues, including the appearance of Hyron wreckage parts in the vault, the theme of memory preservation in the "01011000" side mission, and the technology of memory transfer mentioned in other side missions, have led to the speculation that Jensen's memories were transferred to a new body after Panchaea was destroyed at the end of Deus Ex: Human Revolution. This article serves as a guide to this fan theory, sometimes called the "clone theory," and its…

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