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This page documents damage testing conducted for weapons in Deus Ex: Mankind Divided. Although weapons are given a nominal damage rating in-game, it is widely known that these nominal ratings are inaccurate or misleading. For example, two weapons of the same type may have the same damage rating, but different actual damages.

The tests described below were conducted to reveal a more accurate picture of weapon damage, as well as other properties of weapons. All tests were performed under game version v1.19 build 801.0 (Steam Windows version).[1]

Weapons tested[]

Weapon Nominal Damage Rating Nominal Silencer
Base Upgraded
10mm Pistol 15 30 -5
Elite Edition 10mm Pistol 15 30 -5
Machine Pistol 20 35 -10
Revolver 50 65
Classic Revolver 60 75
Otar's Revolver 70
Combat Rifle 35 50 -25
Elite Edition Combat Rifle 35 50 -25
Battle Rifle 60 75
Elite Edition Battle Rifle 65 80
Lancer 85 100 -40
Sniper RIfle 70 85
Tactical Shotgun 70 85 -30
Devastator 70 85

"Nominal damage rating" is the damage rating that is given in the in-game inventory screen. The "base" rating is the rating without any upgrades applied to the damage stat, while the "upgraded" rating is the rating after applying 3x damage upgrades. The "nominal silencer penalty" is the effect on the nominal damage rating after attaching a silencer.

Turret test: Damage per shot based on health bar pixel count[]


Weapons were evaluated based on the amount of damage inflicted against the turret outside of the Neon Lab in the sewers. The turret was disabled via the security hub and then fired at from two positions: close range at 2.25m and medium range at 23m, as shown in the screenshots below.

Damage inflicted against the turret was measured using the Smart Vision augmentation, which is used to show the turret's health bar. At 1440p and a UI scale of 100%, a full health bar was 266 pixels. Measurement of health bars is somewhat inexact because of partial pixels, but the experiments yield consistent over repeated trials/screenshots. If the health bar is displayed with partial pixels (for example, instead of being displayed at 266 full pixels, it is displayed with 265 full pixels and two partial pixels to the left and right), the left-side partial pixel was disregarded as shown in the third image below.

All shots were taken at the turret's barrel in order to avoid hitting its armor plates. Shots were fired while aiming down the weapon's iron sight or scope. In order to maintain range consistency, scoped weapons were aimed to confirm that the rangefinder displayed a range of 2.25m or 23m.

The turret was selected for this test because of the large size of its health bar (266 pixels) in Smart Vision.[2] By contrast, health bars of doors and prop objects are only 76 pixels wide in the same display settings. Additionally, the health bar of doors were found to be inaccurate in reporting damage values of a single shot.[3] Therefore, in order to measure per-shot damage, these tests were performed using a turret.

As indicated in the "upgrades" and "silencer" fields in the tables below, weapons were tested in both base damage (i.e., no damage upgrades have been applied) and upgraded damage (i.e., with 3x damage upgrades applied) configurations. If the weapon is capable of using a silencer, the weapon was also tested with both the silencer attached and unattached.

Test results: Regular ammo[]

Weapon Upgrades Silencer Damage (pixels) at... Range
2.25m 23m
Revolver None 54 31 -42.6%
Revolver Dmg x3 101 60 -40.6%
Battle Rifle None 13 13 -0%*
Battle Rifle Dmg x3 26 26 -0%*
Elite Battle Rifle None 13 13 -0% Same as base weapon
Elite Battle Rifle Dmg x3 26 26 -0% Same as base weapon
Sniper Rifle None 36 29 -19.4%*
Sniper Rifle Dmg x3 67 52 -22.3%
Tactical Shotgun None 26
Tactical Shotgun None 33
Tactical Shotgun Dmg x3 49
Tactical Shotgun Dmg x3 67
Additional Tests**
10mm Pistol Dmg x3 15 5 -66.7%
10mm Pistol Dmg x3 21 8 -62.0%
Elite 10mm Pistol Dmg x3 20 8 -60.0% +33% vs. base weapon (at 2.25m)
Elite 10mm Pistol Dmg x3 28 10 -64.3% +33% vs. base weapon (at 2.25m)
Machine Pistol Dmg x3 10 5 -50.0%
Machine Pistol Dmg x3 20 13 -35.0%
Additional Tests - Combat Rifle**
Combat Rifle None 5 4
Combat Rifle None 8 7
Combat Rifle Dmg x3 13 10
Combat Rifle Dmg x3 16 15 -6.25%
Elite Combat Rifle None 10 8
Elite Combat Rifle None 12 10
Elite Combat RIfle Dmg x3 18 15 -16.7% +39% vs. base weapon (at 2.25m)
Elite Combat RIfle Dmg x3 23 20 -13.0% +44% / +33% vs base weapon

*These weapon configurations were further tested in at 29m by moving the turret to another location in the sewers. No change in the damage of the Battle Rifle was observed, while the Sniper Rifle's damage dropped further to 26.

**Additional tests were conducted as described in order to provide general comparisons. However, many of these weapon configurations inflict very low damage against the turret, in which case the damage measure is considered to be imprecise. Due to the imprecision, most of the data in this section is not used in the silencer penalty calculations below. Range penalties and weapon variants comparisons are not given if one or both of the relevant pixel count values is 10 or less.

Test results: Armor-piercing (AP) ammo[]

Weapon Upgrades Silencer Damage (pixels) at... Range
2.25m 23m
Revolver None 96 57 -40.6%
Revolver Dmg x3 169 106 -37.3%
Classic Revolver None 99 54 -45.5% +3% / -5% vs. base weapon*
Classic Revolver Dmg x3 166 103 -38.0% -2% / -3% vs. base weapon*
Otar's Revolver None 96 57 -40.6% Same as base weapon
Combat Rifle None 18 16 -11.1%
Combat Rifle None 23 20 -13.0%
Combat RIfle Dmg x3 33 30 -9.09%
Combat RIfle Dmg x3 46 41 -10.9%
Elite Combat Rifle None 28 23 -17.9% +55% / +44% vs. base weapon
Elite Combat Rifle None 36 33 -8.3% +56% / +65% vs. base weapon
Elite Combat Rifle Dmg x3 52 46 -11.5% +57% / +53% vs. base weapon
Elite Combat Rifle Dmg x3 70 62 -11.4% +53% / +51% vs. base weapon
Battle Rifle None 39 36 -7.7%
Battle Rifle Dmg x3 75 70 -6.7%
Elite Battle Rifle None 39 36 -7.7% Same as base weapon
Elite Battle Rifle Dmg x3 75 70 -6.7% Same as base weapon
Lancer None 57 51 -10.5%
Lancer None 138 127 -8.0%
Lancer Dmg x3 91 83 -8.8%
Lancer Dmg x3 197 182 -7.6%
Sniper Rifle None 192 154 -19.8%
Sniper Rifle Dmg x3 266+ 266+ Turret is destroyed in 1 shot
Devastator None 124
Devastator Dmg x3 210

*The discrepancy between the Revolver and Classic Revolver was consistent over repeated trials. The reason for this discrepancy is unclear. This discrepancy was not observed in the door test due to the high damage of both revolvers.


DXMD damage testing - turret test

Damage per shot at 2.25m and 23m, with full damage upgrades. Since Otar's Revolver has no damage upgrades, its base damage is used. The difference between the 2.25m and 23m bars show the extent of damage drop-off due to range.

AP ammo and regular ammo compared[]

Based on the data in the above tables, the damage of AP and regular ammo is compared below:

Weapon Upgrades Silencer Damage (2.25m) Reg → AP
Damage (23m) Reg → AP
Reg AP Reg AP
Revolver None 54 96 1.78 31 57 1.84
Revolver Dmg x3 101 169 1.67 60 106 1.77
Battle Rifle/Elite None 13 39 3.00 13 36 2.77
Battle Rifle/Elite Dmg x3 26 75 2.89 26 70 2.70
Combat Rifle None 5 18 3.60 4 16 4.00
Combat Rifle None 8 23 2.88 7 20 2.86
Combat Rifle Dmg x3 13 33 2.54 10 30 3.00
Combat Rifle Dmg x3 16 46 2.88 15 41 2.73
Elite Combat Rifle None 10 28 2.80 8 23 2.88
Elite Combat Rifle None 12 36 3.00 10 33 3.30
Elite Combat RIfle Dmg x3 18 52 2.89 15 46 3.07
Elite Combat RIfle Dmg x3 23 70 3.04 20 62 3.1
Sniper Rifle None 36 192 5.33 29 154 5.31
Sniper Rifle Dmg x3 67 266+ 52 266+
Shotguns* None 33 124 3.76
Shotguns* Dmg x3 67 210 3.19

*These entries compare the Tactical Shotgun (regular ammo) with the Devastator Shotgun (AP ammo).

The data shows that AP ammo inflicts about 3x the damage as regular ammo against the turret for the Battle Rifle and Combat Rifles (the average multiplier for the eight "Dmg x3" trials is 2.91). This multiplier is 1.76x for the Revolver (calculated as an average of the 4 values above), and 5.3 for the Sniper Rifle without damage upgrades.

Door test: Number of shots required to destroy a door[]


Damage testing setup

Firing position against the Apex Centre door

The following tests were performed to determine the number of shots that are needed for a given weapon to destroy the door. For purposes of this test, the door was selected to be the door to the Apex Centre's security room B, located just before the reception area and just after taking the elevator from the CSO. This door was selected because it has more health than many other doors found in indoor locations. Additionally, while it is not as study as metal doors in sewers, it has a consistent and continuous hitbox.

The weapon was fired by standing inside the office further from the position directly facing the door. The distance to the door was 5.15 meters, as measured using a scoped weapon. The Debug Menu third-party mod was used to supply weapons, ammunition, and upgrade parts needed for the testing. All lethal firearms were tested except for Otar's Revolver, which was not convenient for testing because it cannot be added through the debug menu.

As indicated in the "upgrades" and "silencer" fields in the tables below, weapons were tested in both base-damage (i.e., no damage upgrades have been applied) and upgraded-damage (i.e., with 3x damage upgrades applied) conditions. For each of these two conditions, if the weapon is capable of using a silencer, the weapon was tested with both the silencer attached and unattached.

The performance of the weapon is reported in the following two formats:

  • "Shots required" is the number of shots required to destroy the door when firing the weapon at a distance of 5.15 meters.
  • "Normalized damage" is a measure of damage normalized to the damage of the bare 10mm Pistol (no upgrades and no silencer), derived by diving 21 (the shot count for this pistol) by the shot count for the weapon in question. Therefore, the non-upgraded, non-silenced 10mm Pistol has normal damage of 1.000, while a value of 2.333 means that the weapon inflicts 2.333 times that of the bare 10mm Pistol.

The "notes" field reports one of the following, if applicable:

  • For weapons that are variants of a base weapon (e.g., "Elite Edition" variants), the percent damage difference relative to the base weapon is computed. This percentage is characterized by two values: the observed value, which is the ratio of the respective number of shots required, and the error range attributed to the discretization of the shots count. For example, when silenced elite pistol requires 21 shots, while the silenced pistol requires 28 shots, the observed improvement is 1 - 28/21 = 33%. However, if the door is destroyed at the 21th shot, the "true" value reflecting weapon damage is not 21, but a number in the range of 20 < x ≤ 21. Therefore, the range of discretization error is from 1 - 27/21 = 29% to 1 - 28/20 = 40%. Therefore, the percent damage difference is denoted in the table as "+33% (29-40%)."
  • Shotguns were also tested at point-blank range, i.e., standing directly at the door, in order to provide an assessment of their damage drop off over distance. The shot count at this range is recorded in the "notes" field.

Test results: Regular ammo[]

Weapon Upgrades Silencer Nominal
10mm Pistol None 10 28 0.750
10mm Pistol None 15 21 1.000
10mm Pistol Dmg x3 25 15 1.400
10mm Pistol Dmg x3 30 11 1.909
Elite 10mm Pistol None 10 21 1.000 +33% (29-40%) vs. base weapon
Elite 10mm Pistol None 15 16 1.313 +31% (25-40%) vs. base weapon
Elite 10mm Pistol Dmg x3 25 11 1.909 +36% (27-50%) vs. base weapon
Elite 10mm Pistol Dmg x3 30 9 2.333 +22% (11-38%) vs. base weapon
Machine Pistol None 10 61 0.344
Machine Pistol None 20 32 0.656
Machine Pistol Dmg x3 25 32 0.656
Machine Pistol Dmg x3 35 17 1.235
Revolver None 50 9 2.333
Revolver Dmg x3 65 5 4.200
Combat Rifle None 10 54 0.389
Combat Rifle None 35 40 0.525
Combat Rifle Dmg x3 25 29 0.724
Combat Rifle Dmg x3 50 22 0.954
Elite Combat Rifle None 10 36 0.583 +50% (47-54%) vs. base weapon
Elite Combat Rifle None 35 27 0.778 +48% (44-53%) vs. base weapon
Elite Combat Rifle Dmg x3 25 19 1.105 +53% (47-61%) vs. base weapon
Elite Combat Rifle Dmg x3 50 15 1.400 +47% (40-57%) vs. base weapon
Battle Rifle None 60 13 1.615
Battle Rifle Dmg x3 75 7 3.000
Elite Battle Rifle None 65 13 1.615 Same as base weapon
Elite Battle Rifle Dmg x3 80 7 3.000 Same as base weapon
Sniper Rifle None 70 4 5.250
Sniper Rifle Dmg x3 85 3 7.000
Tactical Shotgun None 40 15 1.400 6 shots at point-blank range
Tactical Shotgun None 70 11 1.909 5 shots at point-blank range
Tactical Shotgun Dmg x3 55 8 2.625 4 shots at point-blank range
Tactical Shotgun Dmg x3 85 6 3.500 3 shots at point-blank range

Test results: Armor-piercing (AP) ammo[]

Weapon Upgrades Silencer Nominal
Revolver None 50 3 7.000
Revolver Dmg x3 65 2 10.50
Classic Revolver None 60 3 7.000 Same as base weapon
Classic Revolver Dmg x3 75 2 10.50 Same as base weapon
Otar's Revolver None 70 3 7.000 Same as base weapon
Combat Rifle None 10 17 1.235
Combat Rifle None 35 13 1.615
Combat Rifle Dmg x3 25 9 2.333
Combat Rifle Dmg x3 50 7 3.000
Elite Combat Rifle None 10 12 1.750 +42% (33-55%) vs. base weapon
Elite Combat Rifle None 35 9 2.333 +44% (33-63%) vs. base weapon
Elite Combat Rifle Dmg x3 25 6 3.500 +50% (33-80%) vs. base weapon
Elite Combat Rifle Dmg x3 50 5 4.200 +40% (20-75%) vs. base weapon
Battle Rifle None 60 7 3.000
Battle Rifle Dmg x3 75 4 5.250
Elite Battle Rifle None 65 7 3.000 Same as base weapon
Elite Battle Rifle Dmg x3 80 4 5.250 Same as base weapon
Lancer Rifle None 45 5 4.200
Lancer Rifle None 85 3 7.000
Lancer Rifle Dmg x3 60 2 10.50
Lancer Rifle Dmg x3 100 2 10.50
Sniper Rifle None 70 2 10.50
Sniper Rifle Dmg x3 85 2 10.50 1 shot at 3.1m or closer
Devastator Shotgun None 70 6 3.500 3 shots at point-blank range
Devastator Shotgun Dmg x3 85 3 7.000 2 shots at point-blank range


DXMD damage testing - door test

Number of shots required to destroy door (lower is better) - results for all weapons and weapon configurations tested. The difference between the two bars of each weapon show the effect of upgrading weapon damage.

Supplemental testing: Pistols at 25m range[]

In order to obtain additional data on the 10mm pistols, the upgraded pistols were fired at a range of 25m against a different door in the Apex Centre. This test provides an additional comparison between the weapon configurations.

Upgrades Silencer Shots
10mm Pistol Dmg x3 34
10mm Pistol Dmg x3 25
Elite 10mm Pistol Dmg x3 25 +36% (32-42%) vs. base weapon
Elite 10mm Pistol Dmg x3 19 +32% (26-39%) vs. base weapon

This additional test supports the hypothesis that the elite pistol does about 33% more damage than the base pistol across all configurations. The 32% observed improvement of the elite pistol vs. the base pistol (with an error range of 26-39%) in this 25m test is a more accurate estimate than the +22% observed improvement (with an error range of 11-38%) in the earlier 5.15m test.

Additional, the decrease in damage from 5.15m to 25m are 55.8%, 56%, 56%, and -52.6% for the above weapons, respectively.

Silencer penalty calculations[]

Based on the data in the above tables, the damage penalty for using a silencer is calculated in the table below.

  • The observed penalty is the percentage reduction in damage. For example, for the 10mm Pistol, an increase from 21 to 28 in the number of shots required to destroy corresponds to a penalty of ((1/28)-(1/21))/(1/21) = -25.0%.
  • For penalties based on Test 1 data, the "error range" is the range of true values after accounting for the discretization of the shot count as a proxy for damage (e.g., if the 21st shot destroyed the door, then the true number of shots needed is in the range of 20 < x ≤ 21, if fractional shots could be counted.). For the 10mm Pistol, the lower and upper bounds for the true penalty value are ((1/(28-1))-(1/21))/(1/21) = -22.2% and ((1/28)-(1/(21-1)))/(1/(21-1)) = -28.6%, respectively.
  • Penalty values are calculated for turret test data only if both the silenced and unsilenced pixel counts are greater than 10, due to the lack of precision at low pixel counts.
Weapon Upgrades Shot Count Increase
(Door Test)
Silencer Penalty
(Observed % and error range)
10mm Pistol None 21 → 28 -25.0% (22.2 - 28.6%)
10mm Pistol Dmg x3 11 → 15 -26.7% (21.4 - 33.3%)
10mm Pistol (25m) Dmg x3 34 → 25 -26.5% (24.2 - 29.4%)
Elite 10mm Pistol None 16 → 21 -23.8% (20.0 - 28.6%)
Elite 10mm Pistol Dmg x3 9 → 11 -18.2% (10.0 - 27.2%)
Elite 10mm Pistol (25m) Dmg x3 25 → 19 -31.5% (26.3 - 38.9%)
Machine Pistol None 32 → 61 -47.5% (46.7 - 49.2%)
Machine Pistol Dmg x3 17 → 32 -46.9% (45.2 - 50%)
Combat Rifle None 40 → 54 -25.9% (24.5 - 27.8%)
Combat Rifle Dmg x3 22 → 29 -24.1% (21.4 - 27.6%)
Elite Combat Rifle None 27 → 36 -25.0% (22.9 - 27.8%)
Elite Combat Rifle Dmg x3 22 → 29 -24.1% (21.4 - 27.6%)
Combat Rifle (AP) None 13 → 17 -23.5% (18.8 - 29.4%)
Combat Rifle (AP) Dmg x3 7 → 9 -22.2% (12.5 - 33.3%)
Elite Combat Rifle (AP) None 9 → 12 -25.0% (18.2 - 33.3%)
Elite Combat Rifle (AP) Dmg x3 5 → 6 -16.67% (0 - 33.3%)
Tactical Shotgun None 11 → 15 -26.7% (21.4 - 33.3%)
Tactical Shotgun Dmg x3 6 → 8 -25.0% (14.3 - 37.5%)
Weapon Upgrades Damage Decrease
(Turret Test)
Silencer Penalty
(Observed %)
Lancer Rifle (2.25m) None 138 px → 57 px -58.7%
Lancer Rifle (2.25m) Dmg x3 197 px → 91 px -53.8%
Lancer Rifle (23m) None 127 px → 51 px -59.8%
Lancer Rifle (23m) Dmg x3 182 px → 83 px -54.4%
Elite Combat Rifle (2.25m) Dmg x3 23 px → 18 px -21.7%
Elite Combat Rifle (23m) Dmg x3 20 px → 15 px -25.0%

Difficulty level[]

All tests described above were performed under the "Give Me Deus Ex" difficulty level.

However, the difficulty level does not affect the damage dealt to the turret and the door. This was confirmed by retests of the 2.25m turret test with the non-upgraded revolver at the "Tell Me A Story" and "Give Me A Challenge" difficulty levels, which resulted in the same damage in pixel count as the original test at "Give Me Deus Ex" for both regular and AP ammo. Additionally, the non-upgraded silenced pistol was tested to destroy the door in the door test in the same number of shots (28 shots) at "Tell Me A Story" as it did on "Give Me Deus Ex."

Discussion and analysis[]

Nominal damage ratings vs. actual damage[]

The tests confirm that nominal in-game damage ratings are unreliable for comparing weapons. Notable cases are summarized below:

  • Elite Pistol - The elite variant deals about +33% more damage than the standard pistol, even though the two weapons have the same damage ratings.
  • Elite Combat Rifle - The elite variant deals about +50% more damage than the standard combat rifle, even though the two weapons have the same damage ratings.
  • Elite Battle Rifle - The elite variant deals the same damage as the standard battle rifle, despite having has a slightly higher damage rating.
  • Otar's Revolver - Otar's revolver deals the same damage as the (un-upgraded) standard revolver, despite having a higher damage rating. Since Otar's Revolver cannot be upgraded, Otar's Revolver falls behind the other two revolvers when upgrades are available.
  • Classic Revolver - The Classic Revolver was observed as dealing approximately the same damage as the standard revolver, despite having a higher damage rating. In the turret test, the classic revolver was observed as inflicting slightly less damage than the standard revolver in three cases, and slightly more damage in one cases. The reason for this discrepancy is unclear.
  • Sniper Rifle vs. Lancer - The Sniper Rifle deals considerably more damage when both weapons are using AP rounds, even though the (unsilenced) Lancer has a higher damage rating than the Sniper Rifle. The difference in observed damage could potentially be attributed to properties associated with the ammunition.

Damage penalty when using a silencer[]

  • The damage penalty of the silencer varies from weapon to weapon.
  • The Pistol (both standard and elite editions), Combat Rifle (both standard and elite editions), and Tactical Shotgun all lose around 25% damage when a silencer is attached, despite what the in-game damage rating state.
  • The Machine Pistol loses around 47% damage when a silencer is used.
  • The Lancer loses around 55% damage when a silencer is used.
  • The test results generally show that the silencer's effect on the nominal damage rating is inaccurate or misleading. For example, attaching a silencer to a Combat Rifle reduces the nominal damage by 25, which is a 71% decrease from 35 (with no damage upgrades) or a 50% decrease from 50 (with 3x damage upgrades). However, the test results show that the silencer only results in approximately a 25% decrease in damage in both situations.

Damage drop-off over distance[]

  • While damage drop-off was not the focus of the tests, tests performed at different ranges show that damage drop-off is a property that varies across different weapons and different types of ammunition for those weapons.
  • In general, sidearms (pistol, revolver, and machine pistol) suffer significantly higher damage drop-off than longarms (combat rifle, battle rifle, and sniper rifle). Shotguns suffer from even higher damage drop-off than sidearms.
  • Both battle rifles were observed as being having no drop-off due to range when using regular ammo. However, the same was not true when using armor-piercing ammo. This suggests that damage drop-off is ammo dependent.

General comments on weapons based on test results[]

  • The Elite Combat Rifle performs much better than what is be expected from its nominal stats due to two main reasons: its large (+50%) increase in damage per shot compared to the base weapon, and the fact that the silencer only reduces damage by 25%, which is much lower than what the nominal ratings would suggest. Additionally, the tests show that its AP rounds increase damage significantly, approximately tripling the damage inflicted against the turret, a feature not available to other low-damage weapons such as the Pistol and Machine Pistol.
  • Similarly, the Elite Pistol likewise overshadows the base weapon, since it was shown to have +33% higher damage. Since the Elite Pistol and Elite Combat Rifle are both free-DLC weapons, their respective base weapons offer little benefit over the elite editions, except for the fact that having the base variant offers easier inventory management in terms of picking up weapons for their ammunition.
  • The standard Revolver compares very well to high-damage rifle-type weapons at close range, but has a steep damage drop-off when the range increases. Considering the upgrades available to the standard Revolver, and the fact that regular revolver rounds inflict significant damage even compared to AP rounds, the standard Revolver is easily the best revolver variant, as well as being one of the top weapons in damage per shot and overall damage output.
  • Otar's Revolver is a clear loser in these tests since it does the same damage as an un-upgraded standard Revolver but has no damage upgrades. Furthermore, Otar's Revolver suffers from damage drop-off due to range, limiting its effectiveness as a sniping weapon.
  • The test results show that the Sniper Rifle has the highest damage-per-shot among all firearms when AP ammo is used. Considering that the Sniper Rifle is relatively versatile (for example, it can be hip-fired rather easily after a laser sight has been attached), the Sniper Rifle is arguably one of the better lethal weapons in the game, with the main limitations being the inability to attach a silencer, and the limited availability of AP ammo.


  1. Steam build ID 3355064 (dated 2018-11-30 for Windows).
  2. An earlier version of this article included a smaller-scale test in which the health bar of the turret was viewed at 92 pixels. In that earlier test, the health bar was only 92 pixels wide because Smart Vision was viewed from the metal door and not up close, and also because UI scale was not set to 100%. These earlier results are discarded as having been superseded by the results reported in the current version of this article, since results based on a health bar that is 266 pixels wide are considered to be more accurate than those based on a health bar of 92 pixels wide.
  3. For example, the Revolver requires 9 shots to destroy the Apex Centre door of Fig. 1, whereas the Battle Rifle requires 13 shots. However, the damage resulting from just the first shot appear the same (a reduction of 7 pixels) for both weapons in terms of the health bar display. While the Apex Centre door was tested to some extent, these results are not reported here because they are not believed to be a sufficient accurate representative of weapon damage. An earlier version of this article included a similar health bar damage test on the metal sewer door beneath Pilgrim Door; the results of these tests are no longer maintained in the current version of this article for the same reason.